How to Choose Baby Gender

Improve your Chances of Getting Pregnant and Choosing the Sex of Your Baby

When it comes time to choose baby gender and trying to get pregnant, some couples seem to have it easier than others. Some women are able to conceive a baby boy or girl very quickly, while others struggle for years. For those that do struggle, it can be very emotionally draining and heart breaking. The key though is not to give up on your dreams of getting pregnant with a baby boy or girl! There are a number of factors which may affect your chances of conceiving a child and some tips to keep in mind if you want to naturally select your baby's gender.

1. You have to be familiar with your monthly cycle:

Regardless of the sex of your baby, if you don't know your monthly cycle, you stand a far lower chance of getting pregnant. No two women are alike so it is important that you understand your own cycle. Make sure that you maintain a record of when you get your period for several months. Be sure to record when your period started, and when it finished. And most importantly, you need to track which day you ovulate. This data is vital in order to help determine when you are most likely to get pregnant so you can time intercourse accordingly. While having planned intercourse may lack that element of surprise and passion, if you want to conceive a baby boy or girl, you've got to be able to seize the window of opportunity when it comes knocking.

2. You need to know your monthly ovulation:

Within ever cycle, you have 5 days in which you are most fertile; 3 days prior to ovulation and up to 1 day after (5 includes the day of ovulation).  Armed with this information, it becomes much more likely and easier to fertilize your egg and become pregnant with either a boy or girl. But, you can also increase the odds of choosing the sex of your baby by timing intercourse. Keep in mind that as soon as your ovary releases an egg, you only have a 24 hour period in which that egg can be fertilized. Therefore, it is critical that you make sure to time intercourse as close as possible to your ovulation date. And you can increase your chances of having a baby girl by having intercourse 2 days before ovulation. This allows the slower swimming X chromosomes to fertilize the egg with a girl because the faster Y chromosome boy carrying sperm will have likely died off and not survived the 2 days. Alternatively, to conceive a boy, you want to time intercourse as close as possible to ovulation. But remember, there are no guarantees as there are other factors which impact and determine the gender of your baby.

3. Take care of yourself before getting pregnant:

If you want to improve your chances of getting pregnant, you have to take proper care of yourself. One thing you need to consider is to start taking prenatal vitamins and folic acid to help lower the chances of birth defects and complications. Also, be sure to consult with your doctor ahead of time so you understand any risks you may be pre-disposed to. Your doctor can also help answer any questions you may have regarding ovulation and your body.  Be sure to takes steps to lower or eliminate stress from your life. Yoga and other breathing techniques can be extremely powerful and can improve your chances of conceiving a baby and having a safe and healthy pregnancy. You owe it to your unborn child to take the best care possible so that also means no drinking or smoking either. If you do, you run a significant risk of having a baby with complications and the guilt and stress will not be worth the agony that can be avoided by simply avoiding these habits.

Successfully conceiving a baby does not have to be hard. While it may take one or two years to get pregnant, you can help improve your chances of getting pregnant quickly. While choosing the sex of your baby is never guaranteed, you can increase your likelihood of conceiving a baby boy or girl with a few simple steps as outlined above. If you are not able to get pregnant right away, don't lose hope. Keep trying and as long as you don't have any fertility issues, you will in time conceive a baby and start on a wonderful journey. Best of luck!