How to Choose Baby Gender

Adoption as a Method for Baby Gender

When it comes to preferences around baby gender selection, it is probably safe to say that the majority of couples, especially in North America, ideally wish to conceive a baby boy and a baby girl. In fact, many movies and TV shows depict the perfect family as consisting of a father, mother and 2 children, one from each gender. So naturally, people grow up with this philosophy in mind.

The reality for many parents however, is that they end up with either 2 or more boys or 2 or more girls, and are unsuccessful with baby gender selection. As a parent, you should be grateful forgetting pregnant with a boy or girl,even if you had wished for the opposite gender and especially if your child is born healthy. But if you really want to “complete” your family, then one alternative you may wish to consider is adoption.

Most people only think about adoption when they have determined that they cannot naturally have a baby on their own. Whether it be for medical or infertility reasons, adoption has created possibilities for couples that otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to have children.

What is not often considered, however, is that adoption provides for a very safe and perfectly viable gender selection method. It literally allows you to pick the gender of your baby without having to worry about trying to do so through pregnancy. While there are obviously other considerations to keep in mind such as the quality of adoption agencies, your own ability to cope with adoption and of course the cost (often upwards of $15,000 – $30,000 or more), it allows parents the opportunity to have the baby boy or girl they so desperately desire to “complete” their family.  The funny thing is that some people contend that trying to choose the sex of your baby through conception is somehow immoral. Yet many of these same people don’t see an issue with adoption, in which essentially you choose what the gender of your baby will be because you can decide if you want a boy or girl.

At the end of the day, you have to be comfortable with adoption and baby gender selection. If you really want to have a boy or a girl, it may be your best option. Of course, if you prefer to go completely natural and try to get pregnant with a girl or boy instead, there are a number of baby gender selection programs and methods that can help increase your odds of successful gender selection by up to 94%,  without medications and very little cost. To  learn more, click how to naturally select the gender of your baby now.