How to Choose Baby Gender

Understanding Fertility Calendars and Baby Gender Selection

One way that you can increase your chances at baby gender selection is through the use of a fertility calendar which allows you to both check and record your menstrual cycle dates.  While you can find many fertility calendars online for no charge, there is no reason why you can’t just create your own using a good old wall calendar, diary or even your cell phone’s organizer.   By using one, you will have a much better understanding as to when your next ovulation date will be, significantly increasing your chances of getting pregnant with a baby boy or girl, and allowing you to pick our baby’s gender.

So what is it that you need to record exactly? The first thing is to write down the date of the first day of your last period. You’ll then want to jot down how long your last period lasted.

Armed with this information, it becomes possible to figure out your ovulation date, without requiring the aid of a fertility calendar. Typically, your ovulation date will be fourteen days prior to the beginning of your next monthly cycle. To better understand this, what you need to do is write down on your chosen calendar or diary what the first day of your last period was. If you can record the last few that is even better as you will have a better chance of getting the date correct. This is because you will hopefully see a pattern whereby your period starts on the same day each month. Based on this information, you would be able to predict the date of your next cycle and then count backwards fourteen days from the expected date. This would give you your ovulation date.

So, let’s say you expected to get your period on the 15th of the next month. Counting back 14 days would make your ovulation date the 1st of the month.

The problem with this technique for predicting ovulation, however, is that many women are not regular. If your period is different by even a day each month, it can make this method of ovulation date prediction much less accurate. And even if you are regular, factors such as stress can affect your period, possibly throwing it slightly out of whack.

Another problem is that the fertility calendar technique assumes that each woman ovulates precisely fourteen days before starting her next period. Again, this can fluctuate between women so it is not foolproof.

As you can see, using a fertility calendar  won’t work for everyone to predict ovulation. However, it does work for many women and at least provides you with an estimate of when your ovulation date is. And if you can discover that date, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant significantly. By knowing the date, you can also increase your chances of picking your baby’s gender. How? Well, if you want to conceive a baby girl for example, you will want to have intercourse 2 days prior to ovulation. The reason for this is that it allows the slower swimming female producing X Chromosome sperm to reach the egg while the faster swimming Y chromosome male producing sperm will have died off. Vice versa, if you want to conceive a boy, you should have sex 12 hours or so before ovulation to allow the faster swimming male sperm to reach the egg first, before they die off.

But what do you do if a fertility calendar won’t work for you? Thankfully there are other methods for predicting ovulation including charting your temperature or buying ovulation test kits. These kits measure how much luteinizing hormone you have in your urine every day, allowing you to discover with great accuracy your ovulation date.

Regardless of what you choose, understanding your ovulation date not only improves your odds of getting pregnant but also increases your chance at baby gender selection. Be sure to talk to our doctor as they will be able to help give you even more advice on getting pregnant and finding your ovulation date. Best of luck!