How to Choose Baby Gender

When You Are Most Fertile

Women who want to get pregnant typically have one major thought on their mind and that is how to be able to when you are most fertile. Understanding when you are fertile means that you can start planning and trying to conceive a baby. And it also makes it possible to be able to choose baby gender, if you follow certain recommendations.

 During ovulation an egg drops down from one of the ovaries eventually settling into the womb. It travels through the fallopian tube at which point it can be fertilized by a man’s sperm. Since the egg will live between 12-24 hours, trying to get pregnant doesn’t have to be at the exact moment of ovulation. In fact, timing it as close as possible to ovulation will lead to a greater likelihood of conceiving a baby boy because they are faster swimming sperm. On the other hand, having intercourse prior to ovulation, around 2 days before, increases the likelihood for conceiving a girl, since the male sperm tend to die off quickly, and the slower swimming females have a longer lifespan. This increases their chances of fertilizing the egg.

 If you think that not having sex around ovulation will prevent you from getting pregnant, you have to be very careful. Many women often think they know when they are ovulating but don’t and then suddenly end up pregnant. This can be caused due to stress, exercise, and your hormone level. Predicting ovulation is an inexact science so you need to be careful if not planning for parenthood.

 In theory, ovulation occurs fourteen days prior to the first day of your next period. So what this means is that if your cycle is twenty four days, you will be most fertile on approximately day 10 of your cycle. If your cycle is thirty days, you would be most fertile around day sixteen.

While some women believe that if they know that ovulation occurs fourteen days prior to the next period, it will be easy to get pregnant. The problem is that many women are irregular, and some women don’t even have a regular cycle to begin with. This can make it a lot harder to predict ovulation and therefore fertility.

 If this describes you, don’t lose hope. There are other methods for testing ovulation such as taking your temperature daily. What you are looking for is a small rise (around 1 degree or so) in body temperature which can signal ovulation. Another good option is to purchase ovulation kits which measure the hormone LH in your urine to check for fertility. Using these kits is often the most effective and easiest method of predicting ovulation accurately. The only real negative is the possible ongoing cost of having to buy kits.

One major thing to keep in mind also is that if you are attempting to conceive a child, and are timing your intercourse around ovulation, you need to stay calm. Many women put a lot of pressure and therefore stress on themselves. This causes the body to be less likely to get pregnant because stress can make it very difficult for the body to reproduce properly. So just remember to stay relaxed. Enjoy the sex in the meantime because once you are pregnant, intercourse will likely be on hold for a while and sleepless nights will await you. But when your bundle of joy is born and you realize just how special parenthood is, all your efforts will be worth it in the end.

 So if you have been wondering how to tell when you are most fertile, hopefully the information above will help. And if you are interested in choosing the sex of your baby, there are more tips and suggestions you should be aware of. You can learn more by clicking how to choose baby gender. Good luck!